Metabolic Circuit Training Workouts For Beginners and Advanced

Posted by Muscle Building Workouts

Metabolic circuits are a combination of strength training & aerobic training, they usually consist of only small number of exercises in one circuit but when done correctly they are very intense and effective.

These circuits are great to throw in to your current training routine to shock your body with intense exercise it's not used to.

A full workout usually takes no longer than 30 minutes as long as you stick to the given rest intervals. Depending on your current fitness levels you would perform three rounds of the circuit or two rounds until you feel you can complete a third. You can build your own circuit with your own exercises, rest intervals and number of reps.

A great idea is to include compound exercises such as squat, bench press and military press etc.

This is because these types on exercise's require the most energy as multiple muscles are used. The usual rest time after each circuit is between 30-60 seconds, again you can lower this to further intensify your workout.


If your looking to shred fat and burn calories then metabolic circuits are perfect for you.

Metabolic circuit training raises your EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) which mean you will carry on burning more calories long after you finish your workout.

Because these circuits are a combination of strength training and aerobic training you get the fat burning and fitness benefits of cardio and the muscle building benefits from weight training in one workout.

This is also beneficial if you only have short periods of time available to workout.

If you are one of those people that spends countless hours running on a treadmill with minimal results, give this a try! What do you have to lose? (apart from body fat). You will burn more calories than what you would doing 30 minute steady state cardio on a treadmill, build muscle and strength at the same time and its definitely a lot less boring than staring at a wall for a 30 minutes.

Metabolic circuit training instructions
  • Rest as little as you can in between each exercise
  • Lift as heavy as you can without sacrificing form or your ability to complete the reps, 70% of your 1 rep max is usually a good rule to follow to complete 10 reps.
  • After completing your first cycle of the circuit, rest between 30-60 seconds, remember to rest as little as possible to make your circuit more intense.
  • Complete 2 cycles of the circuit until you are able to complete a 3rd cycle. (Some people with higher fitness levels will already be able to complete 3 rounds). If you really want to push yourself, go for a 4th!
  • The point of metabolic training is that it's high intensity and makes you breathless. If you are completing a circuit and you are not breathing very heavily, sweating and feel like you cant do any more after each circuit, then either your rest periods are too long or the weight is not heavy enough.
Exercise ideas for your own circuit
  • Bench Press
  • Weighted Squats
  • Barbell Shoulder Press
  • Clean and Press
  • Snatch
  • Push Ups
  • Pull Ups
Metabolic circuit training examples

Below are some ideas of Metabolic circuit's you can try, you can amend these workouts to best suit you.

Circuit example 1 (Beginner)

Exercise - Reps/Time
  • Body weight Squats (barbell optional) 10
  • Push-Ups 10
  • Mountain Climbers 30 Seconds
  • Dumbbell Lunges 10 Each Leg
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press 10
Repeat circuit three times 60 seconds rest between circuits.

Circuit example 1 (Advanced)

Exercise - Reps/Time
  • Barbell Squat 12
  • Pull-Ups 10
  • Rest 30 Seconds
  • Clean and Press 12
  • Push-Ups 12
  • Rest 30 Seconds
  • Dumbbell Lunges 12 Each Leg
  • Mountain Climbers 45 Seconds
Repeat circuit three times 30-45 seconds rest between circuits.

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