12 Bodybuilding & Fitness Exercises That Shed Weight

Posted by Muscle Building Workouts


There are different types of bodybuilding and fitness exercises that will get you into shape. All these exercises are good for your health and will help you reduce your weight. Most people just workout with one kind of exercise. Whether it is aerobic or weight lifting, most people don't realize there are so many different kinds of fitness exercises available which they are missing out on.

Why should you just do one type of exercise when you can mix different types, making it interesting. Most people get bored with doing the same exercise day in and day out. This is the main reason people give up and never see results. With a variety of different workout programs, you will never get bored.

At first, try out fitness exercises you are familiar with or the ones that are easy to perform. Later on, change up your routine and try new types of exercises. This will renew your motivation and you will never get bored because you are always changing your routine. Plus, this will confuse your muscles and help them grow.

The following exercises will help you get into the best possible shape

stretching muscle

1. Stretching

Stretching will help prevent injury and will help more blood get to the muscles after weight lifting exercise. Stretching should be done before and after each workout. It gives the muscle a chance to warm up before the exercise and cool down afterward. Even if you don't workout that day, you should stretch every day because flexibility is easily lost once you stop.

Free Weight Workouts

2. Free Weight Workouts

This is not only for bodybuilding, free weights are great for fitness exercises. In my opinion, this is the best way to lift weights. You have to use more muscles to stabilize the free weights and you will burn more calories. Free weights are also harder while using good form. But, once you have perfected the form and built up those stabilizer muscles, free weights are way better than machines and cable exercises.

Free weights give you the advantage of using the full range of motion, which means you will be using the entire muscle in the workout. This will give you a good pump. You will also have a variety of different types of exercises for each muscle group. If your goal is to gain muscle mass and you can choose between free weights and a machine, free weight is the way to go.

Rowing Machine Workouts

3. Machine Workouts

I know you just read what I wrote about Free Weight Workouts vs Machine Workouts but, there are advantages and disadvantages to everything and free weights and machines are no exception.

The advantage of using machine workouts is that they are a great tool for beginners of bodybuilding and fitness exercises. It limits the range of motion which prevents injury. You can also change the weight faster on the machine then you can on the free weights.

The disadvantages of machine workouts are what I mentioned above. By not maximizing the use of your muscles to stabilize the free weights, you will not strengthen them as quickly.

Cable Workouts

4. Cable Workouts

This falls between Free Weight Workouts and Machine Workouts which is an advantage in itself. Cable Workouts are a great option for both bodybuilding and fitness exercises when you want to add a little variety to your workout routine. Sometimes the muscles get accustomed to the free weights and you need to change up your exercise routine to confuse your body. Cables are a great way, especially for bodybuilding to lift heavy weights and confuse the muscles into a new activity.

Isolation Workouts

5. Isolation Workouts

These exercises should be done later on when you have mastered the basic exercises first. It is a great way to isolate one particular muscle and focus all your energy on that muscle. Bodybuilders use this so they can make their body proportional. It is a great technique to use and can be used on the cable, machine or free weights. You can completely fatigue the muscle with this type of workout.

Compound Workouts

6. Compound Workouts

This workout is nothing like the isolation exercises that focus on one muscle group. Instead of using one exercise to workout a particular muscle, you will be doing a variety of exercises to work out different muscle groups. It is a great exercise to lose weight.

Calisthenics Workouts

7. Calisthenics Workouts

These exercises use your own body weight as the resistance. This is great for beginners. You do not need any equipment or the need to go to the gym. It is free and anyone at any age can do these workouts. Even if you are an expert in bodybuilding, you can do calisthenics exercises to relieve the soreness the next day after a hard workout.

Core Workouts

8. Core Workouts

These muscles are a workout by themselves. The abs are so important to the control of the body, not only in bodybuilding but in all sports. The core is so resilient that you can work them out every day.

Plyometric Workouts

9. Plyometric Workouts

The purpose of the plyometric exercises is to gain the greatest amount of force in the as little amount of time as possible. It is great for professional athletes and helps gain reflex power.

Ball Workouts

10. Ball Workouts

This is a new way of working out and is great for your stabilizer muscles. Many physical therapy companies have used the ball and have shown positive results. Everything you do on the ball has an effect on your abs. Your abs will get stronger the more you use the ball. You could use ball workouts at the end of other workouts.

Elastic Band Workouts

11. Elastic Band Workouts

This is new to the workout world and safe to execute. It is also convenient because they are so small that you can take the bands everywhere you go.

Pilates Workouts

12. Pilates Workouts

This is great for gaining strength without building mass. It also stresses flexibility in the workouts. The nice thing about pilates is that you don't need to buy expensive equipment to do this workout and can be done at any age.

For addition, you can combine with muscle building supplements. There's no hidden secret anymore that most bodybuilder and also a beginner using the supplement to help them reach the goals faster. The most popular supplement is the ultimate legal strength steroids. It is legal steroid alternative made by the crazy bulk company. Many consumers noticed huge muscle gains (results) in just 30 days.

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