Why Do Your Muscles Grow Bigger And Stronger?

Posted by Muscle Building Workouts

In order to build the most muscle mass possible, you must understand how and why your muscles grow in the first place. Once you know the fundamental principles of why your muscles grow you will realize why what you are doing works.

You won't just be throwing weights around the gym hopelessly and stuffing yourself with all the food in your cupboards. You will be following an exact science and a structured plan that will give you the motivation and focus to grow a lot of muscle mass.

how to make your muscles grow faster

It's All About Survival

Everything comes back to the survival of the fittest. The ultimate instinct of life is to survive and replicate that survival into future generations. Everything you do will come back to these two basic motives.

To have the best possible chance of survival your body has set up many adaptive mechanisms which have evolved over many thousands of years. For example, when you need food your body sends out a signal to make you feel hunger or when you go out in the sun you get a tan. These have all been developed to keep you alive and healthy.

You Must Threaten This Survival To Make Your Muscles Grow

When a muscle is stressed intensely it causes microscopic tears in the muscle cells – protein filaments shatter and glycogen storage chains break down rapidly. If the muscle is put under this level of stress on a regular basis its ability to survive would be compromised. Your body sees this as a threat to its survival and adapts.

When the stress stops, the muscles have time to repair and the body overcompensates by adding more protein filaments, glycogen stores and increased enzymes for energy production – making the muscles bigger and stronger. This protects the body against possible future threats, giving it a better chance of survival – as there will be more muscle to be broken down.

Stress The Muscles Through Weight Training

To stress your muscles, simulate a threat and cause them to adapt – use weight training to place tension on the muscle fibers. Perform high-intensity workouts to break down the muscles and force them to grow bigger and stronger.

Continue to apply this stress with the use of progressive overload with every workout and your muscles will grow week after week.

Provide The Protein Needed To Recover And Grow

Once you have stimulated a response from the muscles, by threatening your body's survival, you must give them the nutrients and protein they need to repair and grow stronger. Building new muscle tissue is an energy consuming process for your body, you must give it plenty of resources to fully adapt and grow.

Your body wants to stay in a state of homeostasis; it will only change if forced to. If you don't get enough protein your body won't sacrifice its survival for the sake of some more muscle mass, in which it will have to maintain.

CrazyBulk Winidrol best suit for the issue. This Winstrol natural can give you more energy while on the workout.

Get Bigger And Stronger

Grow bigger and stronger muscles by:

Threatening your muscles survival with weight training
Providing the necessary nutrients needed
Continuing the process and applying progressive overload

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