In 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act was signed into law.
This act classified substances derived from natural sources as food supplements. These made many products otherwise classified as prescription drugs available over-the-counter (OTC) at health food and nutrition stores.
In what could only be interpreted as a government mix-up, DHEA and other hormones (e.g., Androstenedione, Norandrostenedione, Pregnenolone) remained legal and available as food supplements.
Despite the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990, which requires any substance related to testosterone that possesses anabolic properties to be scheduled as an anabolic steroid!
The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has no plans to schedule these supplements as controlled substances.
The following sections will go into detail on the OTC androgens. Attempt to shed light on a topic that has received a great deal of media attention. This is because of Mark McGuire’s highly publicized use of Androstenedione.
Androgens (i.e., anabolic steroids) are used extensively as an ergogenic help for athletes. Mostly for strength-power athletes.
As we known, certain androgen-specific supply (eg androstenedione) has been marketed. This is based on assumption as an immediate precursor for testosterone. They also have to use anabolic effect with the assumption ready to be converted to testosterone.
Thus, the closer a hormone's precursor is to the end product (i.e., testosterone), the greater the conversion of that precursor to the end product.
For instance, the following compounds should convert more readily to testosterone. Based on their proximity to testosterone in the metabolic pathway for its formation.
From greatest conversion to least: Androstenedione > DHEA > 17-OHpregnenolone > Pregnenolone > Cholesterol.
Obviously, this can be a simple model. To stimulate more plasma testosterone, consuming a lot of cholesterol is not the recommended method.
But it is clear that androstenedione can convert to testosterone.
In the hypertrophic process of skeletal muscles, there are no significant physiological effects.
The scientific study of androstenedione and other prohormones is still in its infancy.
Thus, the focus will not be on the illegal growth hormones (anabolic steroids) but rather on the legal. Over-the-counter pro-hormones currently sold.
It is clear that the self-administration of androgens (i.e., illicit anabolic-androgenic steroids) exerts potent ergogenic effects.
Use of Prohormones as Food Supplement
Testosterone in Males
All hormones in the human body have individual uses and functions that are imperative to form a healthy human being,. But some can be considered more important and versatile than others.
Testosterone is one of these, although not unique to men it is one of the most prominent hormones in the male genetic make-up.
Testosterone is the principal male sex hormone and primarily responsible for the development and maintenance of male sex characteristics e.g.
- Voice deepening
- Bodily and facial hair growth
- Development and grown of the male sexual organs
- Increase in libido and sexual function
- Increased sebum secretion of the skin.
These uses alone show it to be a hugely important hormone in the male body, however, it has a multitude of other uses and functions that make it an incredibly versatile and necessary hormone.
How does it work?
Here comes the science bit. Hormones do their jobs by binding to receptors either just outside or within a cell and telling them what to do to complete a necessary task.Testosterone itself is steroidal in nature, this means that it only binds to androgen receptors and it does so by entering the cell membrane.
Not all hormones have the ability to do this, however, because of the steroidal nature of testosterone, it can easily pass through the outside fatty (phospholipid bilayer) layer of the cell membrane.
Once Testosterone binds to an androgen receptor, both the hormone and the receptor together form a receptor complex. This complex travels to the nucleus of the designated cell where it will activate specific DNA sequences.
These sequences are called the hormone response element because they are specific to the purpose of testosterone’s effects on the cell.
What does it do in the body?
Essentially testosterone is an anabolic, this means that it promotes muscle growth through its ability to signal protein synthesis increase.So, when the hormone response element for muscle cells is activated, gene transcription begins.
This means that the specific code of DNA is copied and read, and can then be used to instruct the cell to increase the synthesis and construction of proteins that will elevate muscle strength and size. Testosterone also specifically targets certain alternative tissues in the body.
- Sub-dermal and dermal tissue
- The scalp
- Kidneys
- Bone
- The central nervous system
- Prostate
These tissues are all androgen responsive, and the interaction with all of these is what brings on the male sex characteristics experienced during puberty, as well as increasing muscle growth, stimulating red blood cell development and in turn increasing lung capacity.
What problems does low testosterone cause?
The amount of testosterone each man produces varies depending on a certain demographic characteristics such as genetics, age, lifestyle habits, activity levels and nutritional habits.However, there is a medium range which is considered healthy, but this median range has its own breakdown of low, middle and high. Because of this, it can be difficult for doctors to diagnose low testosterone level.
Research has indicated that may be many men suffering from the effects of low testosterone.
The initial symptoms tend to present as, reduction in sexual function and libido, a loss of energy, decline in strength and physical performance, as well as depression, decreased motivation, memory loss, and muscle loss.
And if all this isn’t bad enough low testosterone levels have also been associated with a risk of cardiovascular disease.
Testosterone treatment
Luckily, treating low testosterone is relatively easy and since the synthesis of testosterone in the 1930’s into anabolic steroids it has been hailed as an almost miracle drug.It has been used to treat an impressive variety of illnesses including, female breast cancer, muscle wasting diseases such as HIV, muscular atrophy, osteoporosis, and male infertility.
As well as treating pre-diagnosed illnesses, using anabolic steroids to restore testosterone to the median amount has been shown to reduce the amount of fat tissue in the midsection and improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin.
These results can be extremely useful in preventing health complications such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Non-medical uses of testosterone
The use of steroids in a non-medical sense is frowned upon in most parts of the world, this is due to the stigma of athletes using these as performance enhancers to cheat in professional competitions.However, using anabolic steroids for the reason of enhancing performance and physique remains the number one commercial use of the product.
But, contrary to popular opinion, the main users are not high flying sportsmen but in fact just regular guys.
The average user is actually reported to be a middle-class man of 25-35 years who want to use the product for purely personal improvement purposes.
Also, the common misconception is that steroids are used a fast-track pass to the perfect body, however, this isn’t the full truth in most cases.
For men who have reached their genetically allowed limit in terms of much muscle mass they can add, testosterone can allow them to surpass this limit, and this is often the main point of using performance enhancers like steroids.
Top 3 Pre-workout Supplements
Do you ever get that feeling? You know, when you just don’t have the energy to work out?
You want to get in some exercise, but you are just lacking the energy to get started. Maybe you get it in the morning and you just need a little boost to get started or after work when your energy levels are low. Whenever it is you just NEED a boost to get moving.You simply want the energy to start exercising.
This is a fairly common problem and maybe you don’t know where to get that extra boost from.
I am going to talk to you about a powerful and all natural energy boosting products that will get you pumped up and give you the energy you need to power your way through your exercise routine. What am I talking about?
Pre-workout supplements.
You may be saying to yourself, “That’s all well and good, but what the heck is a pre-work supplement?”
What Are Pre-Workout Supplements?
Pre-workout supplements are dietary supplements that are taken before you begin exercising to give you a boost of energy to keep you fired up during your entire exercise routine.These supplements have been a part of professional athletes routine for quite some time and are rapidly becoming incredibly popular and are being taken by all kinds of people who need a boost before they crank up their exercise.
What are the main benefits of pre-workout supplements?
I have covered some of the basic information on what pre-workout supplements are, so now let’s talk about the benefits are.Top advantages of pre-workout supplements:
• Energy boost
• Many also provide mental clarity
• Raise in Metabolism
• Reduced Fatigue Both mental and psychical
• The ability to burn off more calories
• Many are made from all natural ingredients
When I first heard about pre-workout supplements I wanted the best supplement I could get my hands on so, I knew had to do some investigating. I started looking around the internet and my search got deeper and deeper, but I am sure I have narrowed down the three best pre-workout supplements you can get online.
The Best Pre-Workout Supplements:
#3: Override Caps
I have to say there were plenty of great reviews of this pre-workout supplement, so I gave it a try.It is packed with a ton of energy boosting ingredients and ingredients for focus, but in the other ingredients if has FD&C #1 and I personally am not of fan of food colorings.
The thing I liked most about Override Caps was I had incredible mental focus during workouts. I mean for real laser focus and that was great.
The two main things I didn’t like about it was the jitters and feeling of anxiety as well as the serving size that was 6 capsules. When I cut the serving size in half I still felt way to anxious so I quit taking these pre-workout supplements and kept on searching.
#2: Thermal Infusion X2
When I came across these pre-work supplements I found a lot of good reviews and several amazing reviews so I decided to give it a shot.This (mostly) all natural supplement is blended to not only fired up but keep you focused when you need the most. Unlike Override Caps I did not have the jitters or feel over anxious and the recommended dose is only 2 softgels as compared to the 6 capsules with Override Caps. I really liked that a lot.
What I didn’t like was that if I had a later workout I was wired till late in the evening…really late. So If I had a later work out I would only take one, but was still felt like I was going wide open till after midnight.
The bottle does specifically say this product may cause itching or rash. I ended up with a small rash on my forearm that got progressively worse, so I quit taking it and it went away.
I knew that with any supplement that there could be some side effects, but I wanted a pre-workout supplement that would “WOW” the hell out of me and the first two just didn’t do it. Luckily for me a good friend recommended my #1 product and it checks all the blocks as well as providing me with that “WOW!” I was looking for.
#1: Capsiplex
Capsiplex is a powerful pre-workout supplement that you take one time a day to really energize your workouts.This completely all pure pre-workout supplement harnesses the power of the natural ingredients to speed up your metabolism as well give you the boost of mental clarity you need.
Based on the official website as well as a Capsiplex review I read you won’t have to worry about caffeine shakes.
Being that I am quite a skeptical person I dug deep to find out if Capsiplex it was a it’s cracked up to be as much as the website claimed.
What I discovered was truly shocking!
Not only does Capsiplex get you full of energy before you work out, but it also burns 278 more calories an hour that other pre-workout supplements!Capsiplex is able to do this by raising your metabolism through thermogenics. This means that you will start to burn calories and you metabolic rate will go up before you do any exercise. Capsiplex main ingredient Capsaicin not only helps you to burn off more calories, but helps you body to naturally stimulate lipolysis, which is the process of breaking down fat.
I will be breaking down Capsiplex in a full review, but I am sure you can see why it's at #1 on my list. If you can see why I have chosen Capsiplex as my top spot on this list click the big link below and order it now.
If you still have questions, check out all the information about Capsiplex click the giant link down below to go the official website to have all your questions answered.
12 Bodybuilding & Fitness Exercises That Shed Weight
There are different types of bodybuilding and fitness exercises that will get you into shape. All these exercises are good for your health and will help you reduce your weight. Most people just workout with one kind of exercise. Whether it is aerobic or weight lifting, most people don't realize there are so many different kinds of fitness exercises available which they are missing out on.
Why should you just do one type of exercise when you can mix different types, making it interesting. Most people get bored with doing the same exercise day in and day out. This is the main reason people give up and never see results. With a variety of different workout programs, you will never get bored.
At first, try out fitness exercises you are familiar with or the ones that are easy to perform. Later on, change up your routine and try new types of exercises. This will renew your motivation and you will never get bored because you are always changing your routine. Plus, this will confuse your muscles and help them grow.
The following exercises will help you get into the best possible shape
1. Stretching
Stretching will help prevent injury and will help more blood get to the muscles after weight lifting exercise. Stretching should be done before and after each workout. It gives the muscle a chance to warm up before the exercise and cool down afterward. Even if you don't workout that day, you should stretch every day because flexibility is easily lost once you stop.2. Free Weight Workouts
This is not only for bodybuilding, free weights are great for fitness exercises. In my opinion, this is the best way to lift weights. You have to use more muscles to stabilize the free weights and you will burn more calories. Free weights are also harder while using good form. But, once you have perfected the form and built up those stabilizer muscles, free weights are way better than machines and cable exercises.Free weights give you the advantage of using the full range of motion, which means you will be using the entire muscle in the workout. This will give you a good pump. You will also have a variety of different types of exercises for each muscle group. If your goal is to gain muscle mass and you can choose between free weights and a machine, free weight is the way to go.
3. Machine Workouts
I know you just read what I wrote about Free Weight Workouts vs Machine Workouts but, there are advantages and disadvantages to everything and free weights and machines are no exception.The advantage of using machine workouts is that they are a great tool for beginners of bodybuilding and fitness exercises. It limits the range of motion which prevents injury. You can also change the weight faster on the machine then you can on the free weights.
The disadvantages of machine workouts are what I mentioned above. By not maximizing the use of your muscles to stabilize the free weights, you will not strengthen them as quickly.
4. Cable Workouts
This falls between Free Weight Workouts and Machine Workouts which is an advantage in itself. Cable Workouts are a great option for both bodybuilding and fitness exercises when you want to add a little variety to your workout routine. Sometimes the muscles get accustomed to the free weights and you need to change up your exercise routine to confuse your body. Cables are a great way, especially for bodybuilding to lift heavy weights and confuse the muscles into a new activity.5. Isolation Workouts
These exercises should be done later on when you have mastered the basic exercises first. It is a great way to isolate one particular muscle and focus all your energy on that muscle. Bodybuilders use this so they can make their body proportional. It is a great technique to use and can be used on the cable, machine or free weights. You can completely fatigue the muscle with this type of workout.6. Compound Workouts
This workout is nothing like the isolation exercises that focus on one muscle group. Instead of using one exercise to workout a particular muscle, you will be doing a variety of exercises to work out different muscle groups. It is a great exercise to lose weight.7. Calisthenics Workouts
These exercises use your own body weight as the resistance. This is great for beginners. You do not need any equipment or the need to go to the gym. It is free and anyone at any age can do these workouts. Even if you are an expert in bodybuilding, you can do calisthenics exercises to relieve the soreness the next day after a hard workout.8. Core Workouts
These muscles are a workout by themselves. The abs are so important to the control of the body, not only in bodybuilding but in all sports. The core is so resilient that you can work them out every day.9. Plyometric Workouts
The purpose of the plyometric exercises is to gain the greatest amount of force in the as little amount of time as possible. It is great for professional athletes and helps gain reflex power.10. Ball Workouts
This is a new way of working out and is great for your stabilizer muscles. Many physical therapy companies have used the ball and have shown positive results. Everything you do on the ball has an effect on your abs. Your abs will get stronger the more you use the ball. You could use ball workouts at the end of other workouts.11. Elastic Band Workouts
This is new to the workout world and safe to execute. It is also convenient because they are so small that you can take the bands everywhere you go.12. Pilates Workouts
This is great for gaining strength without building mass. It also stresses flexibility in the workouts. The nice thing about pilates is that you don't need to buy expensive equipment to do this workout and can be done at any age.For addition, you can combine with muscle building supplements. There's no hidden secret anymore that most bodybuilder and also a beginner using the supplement to help them reach the goals faster. The most popular supplement is the ultimate legal strength steroids. It is legal steroid alternative made by the crazy bulk company. Many consumers noticed huge muscle gains (results) in just 30 days.
Everlast 70 lb MMA Heavy Bag Kit Review
Everlast has been known as a pretty decent company that offers good quality products at low prices most can afford. The Everlast 70 Lb MMA Heavy punching Bag Kit is not that much different except for a few thing I will outline in this review.
When I ordered the Everlast punching bag kit, I received the 70 lb bag of course, the gloves, and the 108 inch hand wraps. The bag was heavy but I chose to place it on a punching bag stand alone stand i also purchased from the website. Because I don't like drilling holes in my ceiling and it was just more convenient to get a stand to hold it.
I received the product at least 4 days from the date I ordered it. That is a good delivery time as most products can take up to 8 days and this was a heavy item. So the shipping time and packaging of the product was very impressive to me.
When I received the product in the box, I immediately opened it as I was very excited, like most people are when they receive their order. Its like opening your birthday present. The product was neatly boxed and it looked overall professional.
Now to the installing part. This was not hard for me at all. I found this to be an easy deal and I did not have to call anyone for help. Some may need an extra hand if 70 lb may be to hard to handle but to me, it was a snap. This is another thing I liked about this product. The chain the the bag will be hooked to made adjusting the height very easy. Its nothing too important but the little features like that just makes a transaction, that much more pleasant.
Of course your reading this review now and think that this product may be the best product in the world. But even the best product come with its flaws.
Here are some flaws I noticed with the Everlast Punching Bag kit. You know I have to tell you the full deal or this would not be a review.
The main thing that bothered me was the bottom of the bag felt sort of lumpy and out of place. When I would perform a low kick, I would feel the lumps in the bottom. I am just assuming that it was stored in an awkward position. It was not a huge deal but when you order a product, you want everything to be perfect as advertised.
And another thing I noticed was that the bag will sometimes feel like the sand inside would shift to another side after a lot of usage. This was slightly annoying after a one hour workout. I did not like the feel of the sand shifting to one side. But this is a normal case in most punching bags.
Here is what I will say in response to the faults. The price was very affordable. I only payed $56 flat with free shipping for this product. I payed up to $145 for a bag of the same quality. So to me, the price was right. Overall, I found this bag to be easy to install, and works pretty well. Is it perfect? no. But its close.
I am going to show the pros of the system and the cons.
- The Price is a deal in my opinion
- The Everlast 70lbs Heavy Punching bag was easy to install.
- This punching bag weighs 70lbs.
- The quality of this bag is pretty decent
- The bag was durable with even the hardest strikes I performed on it. I did this review for 3 weeks after having this bag and it shows no signs of wear. I use it every day for 1 to 2 hours of work.
- Sometimes the sand inside the lower end would feel lumpy.
- The sand inside would shift to one side after an 30 minutes of use.
- The bag would sometimes make a weird sound but i think it was the metal rubbing together.
Overall, I will rate the Everlast 70 pound Heavy Punching Bag Kit a 4.0 out of 5. This product is worth the price and can handle hours of use.
If your interested in learning more about this punching bag then check it out by clicking here
Metabolic Circuit Training Workouts For Beginners and Advanced
Metabolic circuits are a combination of strength training & aerobic training, they usually consist of only small number of exercises in one circuit but when done correctly they are very intense and effective.
These circuits are great to throw in to your current training routine to shock your body with intense exercise it's not used to.
A full workout usually takes no longer than 30 minutes as long as you stick to the given rest intervals. Depending on your current fitness levels you would perform three rounds of the circuit or two rounds until you feel you can complete a third. You can build your own circuit with your own exercises, rest intervals and number of reps.
A great idea is to include compound exercises such as squat, bench press and military press etc.
This is because these types on exercise's require the most energy as multiple muscles are used. The usual rest time after each circuit is between 30-60 seconds, again you can lower this to further intensify your workout.
If your looking to shred fat and burn calories then metabolic circuits are perfect for you.
Metabolic circuit training raises your EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) which mean you will carry on burning more calories long after you finish your workout.
Because these circuits are a combination of strength training and aerobic training you get the fat burning and fitness benefits of cardio and the muscle building benefits from weight training in one workout.
This is also beneficial if you only have short periods of time available to workout.
If you are one of those people that spends countless hours running on a treadmill with minimal results, give this a try! What do you have to lose? (apart from body fat). You will burn more calories than what you would doing 30 minute steady state cardio on a treadmill, build muscle and strength at the same time and its definitely a lot less boring than staring at a wall for a 30 minutes.
Metabolic circuit training instructions
- Rest as little as you can in between each exercise
- Lift as heavy as you can without sacrificing form or your ability to complete the reps, 70% of your 1 rep max is usually a good rule to follow to complete 10 reps.
- After completing your first cycle of the circuit, rest between 30-60 seconds, remember to rest as little as possible to make your circuit more intense.
- Complete 2 cycles of the circuit until you are able to complete a 3rd cycle. (Some people with higher fitness levels will already be able to complete 3 rounds). If you really want to push yourself, go for a 4th!
- The point of metabolic training is that it's high intensity and makes you breathless. If you are completing a circuit and you are not breathing very heavily, sweating and feel like you cant do any more after each circuit, then either your rest periods are too long or the weight is not heavy enough.
- Bench Press
- Weighted Squats
- Barbell Shoulder Press
- Clean and Press
- Snatch
- Push Ups
- Pull Ups
Below are some ideas of Metabolic circuit's you can try, you can amend these workouts to best suit you.
Circuit example 1 (Beginner)
Exercise - Reps/Time
- Body weight Squats (barbell optional) 10
- Push-Ups 10
- Mountain Climbers 30 Seconds
- Dumbbell Lunges 10 Each Leg
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press 10
Circuit example 1 (Advanced)
Exercise - Reps/Time
- Barbell Squat 12
- Pull-Ups 10
- Rest 30 Seconds
- Clean and Press 12
- Push-Ups 12
- Rest 30 Seconds
- Dumbbell Lunges 12 Each Leg
- Mountain Climbers 45 Seconds
Fat Burning Diet Tips for Beginners

Educating Yourself about the Fat Burning Diet
Shaking off weight is one of the hardest things you can accomplish. Obesity can abruptly take place once an individual has been slim for several years thus making it a permanent struggle.Attempting to discover a fat burning diet can turn out to be as difficult as looking for fortune. However, it pays if you know more facts about this regimen first.
Learning Why Fat Accumulates
There is no hesitation that the food that moves into your body influences your metabolism and is the one that produces fat.Foods like French fries, cheesecake and ice cream and those that contain animal fats, sugar and elevated calories, are factors that are going to increase your weight.
Consuming these foods occasionally is reasonable, but everyday consumption may worsen the problem.
Every so often, fat merely accumulates because of badly progressed practices and sometimes it can be triggered by stress.
Stress causes yearning for comfort, which is established in comfort foods that contain fat causing components.
For lots of people, a candy bar can make them feel calm even just for several seconds or minutes.
Educating Yourself Regarding Diet
In the present days' food business, there has been a syndicated attempt to make individuals cautious of the significance of the correct diet to shake off weight.Therefore, rules have made it obligatory for restaurants and other food businesses to record the quantity of calories and hydrogenated fats on their list of choices, so that it will be easier for the customer to remain on a healthful diet.
You do not have to go hungry or practice a sole food diet; you just have to limit fat, calorie and carbohydrate intake, to take pleasure in consuming the foods you desire and not stocking up excess pounds. But, you have to teach yourself how to limit the consumption of these foods.
Creating Your Fat Burning Diet
The initial thing you need to conduct is to make an excellent nutrition plan and distinguish the types of foods that are nourishing and beneficial.You can gather information regarding this topic in the internet. You will discover that the food recorded is within your finances, and these food lists are also excellent tasting.
Discovering the Appropriate Fat Burning Foods
You will discover that foods designed for a fat burning diet are comprised of berries, vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts and other nutritious food items.Research has revealed that consuming more than a few small meals every day or having natural snacks in between meals is a tremendous advantage to people attempting to shake off weight.
By way of using numerous recipes you can avail on the internet, you will be able to prepare these foods properly and you are sure that you will eat excellent meals at the same time getting rid of your extra pounds.
However, you must not expect to shed pounds in merely one day. It will take time, but you will be sure to lose weight.
Having a fat burning diet is not achieved overtime. You need to be dedicated to your diet plan in order to obtain your goal.
Home Fitness Equipment To Get Fit
Workout center memberships can be very expensive and also awkward. Work out in your own private gym at home. We got tons of information and reviews on home fitness workout equipment.
All of the Research done for you
Our team is busy scouring the market to find the best home fitness and health equipment. Using our in depth reviews you can quickly find out which type of home fitness equipment is right for you.If you want to achieve your fitness goals and improve your health, overall you are going to love this site. As of July 2016, it is very much a work in progress, but it will grow quickly with new reviews being added every week. In time, there will be hundreds of in depth reviews and guides, so you can buy the best home fitness equipment.
In Depth Home Exercise Machine Reviews
In our next section we'll post about elliptical reviews. Here you can find out about the different kinds of elliptical trainers, as well as reviews of all of the top selling machines.These extremely effective fitness trainers are great for all kinds of people including the elderly and those recovering from illness. On these pages, we explain what to look for in a home elliptical trainer and show you where to buy at a great price.
Detailed Health Enhancement Equipment Reviews
As well as exercise machines we also review home health equipment. We know that many people struggle to exercise enough because of pre-existing health conditions, so we decided to look for solutions to those issues too. The more under control back pain, arthritis, high blood pressure and other conditions are the more likely it is you will be able to exercise regularly.This section of the site looks at equipment you can buy for home use that can be used to help you to cope better with common health issues. A good example is our inversion tables review section.
Here you can find out all you need to know about the benefits of inversion table therapy and how people are using them to eliminate their back pain fast without having to resort to drugs or surgery.
If you’re researching inversion tables you probably have a little bit of back pain. The last thing you want to do is make that pain worse. Doing proper research and finding an inversion table that meets your needs is very important, but it can be time consuming. Fortunately, we have done all of the hard work for you by researching all of the best inversion tables on the market and bringing all of that information together in one easy to access place.