Use of Prohormones as Food Supplement

Posted by Muscle Building Workouts

In 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act was signed into law.

This act classified substances derived from natural sources as food supplements. These made many products otherwise classified as prescription drugs available over-the-counter (OTC) at health food and nutrition stores.

In what could only be interpreted as a government mix-up, DHEA and other hormones (e.g., Androstenedione, Norandrostenedione, Pregnenolone) remained legal and available as food supplements.

Despite the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990, which requires any substance related to testosterone that possesses anabolic properties to be scheduled as an anabolic steroid!

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has no plans to schedule these supplements as controlled substances.


The following sections will go into detail on the OTC androgens. Attempt to shed light on a topic that has received a great deal of media attention. This is because of Mark McGuire’s highly publicized use of Androstenedione.

Androgens (i.e., anabolic steroids) are used extensively as an ergogenic help for athletes. Mostly for strength-power athletes.

As we known, certain androgen-specific supply (eg androstenedione) has been marketed. This is based on assumption as an immediate precursor for testosterone. They also have to use anabolic effect with the assumption ready to be converted to testosterone.

Thus, the closer a hormone's precursor is to the end product (i.e., testosterone), the greater the conversion of that precursor to the end product.

For instance, the following compounds should convert more readily to testosterone. Based on their proximity to testosterone in the metabolic pathway for its formation.

From greatest conversion to least: Androstenedione > DHEA > 17-OH­pregnenolone > Pregnenolone > Cholesterol.

Obviously, this can be a simple model. To stimulate more plasma testosterone, consuming a lot of cholesterol is not the recommended method.

But it is clear that androstenedione can convert to testosterone.

In the hypertrophic process of skeletal muscles, there are no significant physiological effects.

The scientific study of androstenedione and other prohormones is still in its infancy.

Thus, the focus will not be on the illegal growth hormones (anabolic steroids) but rather on the legal. Over-the-counter pro-hormones currently sold.

It is clear that the self-administration of androgens (i.e., illicit anabolic-androgenic steroids) exerts potent ergogenic effects.

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